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    Online Members Meeting 29th Feb: Proposed Changes to UKUAT Membership Structure.

    2 Posts
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    Katia Zacharaki
    Posts: 31
    Member Admin
    Topic starter

    Dear members,

    As you will be aware, the UKUAT Board of Directors (BoD) has for some time now been working towards switching to a tiered membership payment scheme.

    We would now like to present the outcomes of that work to you, to seek your feedback as members, in an online meeting. This meeting will be held on Thursday 29th Feb 2024 at 10:00am.

    As an organisation, we are in the process of both expanding and professionalising. This requires us to seek more revenue from memberships, which have always been very low cost to this point. This low cost has been reflected in the fact that UKUAT has largely been run on a voluntary basis by the BoD. While this is lean and cost effective, it also means that there is potential value in UKUAT that is not delivered and left on the table. To really leverage the value of this network will require financially sustainable future plans.

    However, we also recognise and accept that membership costs must represent clear value for our members, and that therefore higher membership costs must reflect commensurately greater value.

    So, our intention in this online meeting will be to set out both the proposed changes to the cost of membership, and the increased benefits offered in return.

    Ultimately, this organisation exists because you are part of it. So we are very keen to hear your views, and so strongly encourage as many of you as possible to be there.

    Save the zoom link of the event ->

    Sync the event with your Gmail account on mobile or desktop following the link here.

    Please note that UKUAT memberships run for one year from date of payment, so many of you will not see these changes for some time. Nonetheless, if you have any questions either before or after the meeting, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. 

    We hope to see you on the 29th Feb. 

    Best wishes

    Mark Horler

    (on behalf of the UKUAT BoD)


    Posted : 22/02/2024 7:33 am
    Topic Tags
    Katia Zacharaki
    Posts: 31
    Member Admin
    Topic starter

    Dear members, 

    Prior to our upcoming online member meeting, where we will discuss our proposed new membership tiers, we thought it would be wise to give you a bit more information in advance, so that you can come to the meeting prepared with any questions and comments.

    So Katia and Mark sat down for a chat about it, which we recorded in the below video 👇.

    The video is about 15 mins long, and watching it now will really help you to understand the background of how we got to here, what the challenges are of our current position, and how we intend to overcome those challenges.

    We hope to see you in the online member meeting which, as a reminder, will be held Thurs 29th Feb 1000-1200. If you haven’t put it in your calendar yet, now is the time!

    Sync the event with your Gmail account

    Sync the UKUAT calendar your iPhone 

    Save the zoom link of the event.

    We look forward to seeing you all there and then!

    UKUAT Board of Directors

    Kind regards 

    Posted : 28/02/2024 10:33 pm