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    Glasgow Doors Open Days Festival


    Glasgow Doors Open Days Festival

    Registrations have closed.
    Johnny S-D
    739 739 people viewed this event.
    Glasgow Doors Open Days Festival

    Mark Horler (UKUAT), Kieran Fowler (Glasgow Greens), Abi Mordin (Glasgow Food Policy Partnership), Susie Stott (Queens Cross Housing Association)

    Glasgow, Our Dear Green Place.

    Following the launch of the Glasgow City Food Plan this June, Women in Property is proposing a discussion for Glasgow Doors Open Day Festival (GDOF) on how this new 10 year plan has the potential to impact our built environment and help Glasgow become a greener and fairer city.

    Join us in the discussion and find out how the plan will support a more resilient urban environment. If you have any questions ahead of the event, please send them directly to before 31 August 2021.

    Event registration closed.

    Date and time

    2021-09-14 @ 12:30 AM to
    2021-09-14 @ 02:30 PM

    Registration end date



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