Far Beyond Microgreens: The Future of TCEA

Far Beyond Microgreens: The Future of TCEA
A seminar and panel discussion around radical visions for the future of controlled environment agriculture.
Speaker info
Dr. Philippe Mozzanega is the Co-Founder and Growing Director of Liberty Produce.
Philippe is an agronomist, with specialisation in plant and microbial biochemistry. After a career in biotech he returned to academia, researching the sustainability of fuel, food, and water, developing and running pilot plants. His research sparked an interest in CEA and the global future of agriculture, leading him to co-found Liberty Produce.
Dr. Dylan Banks is the Co-Founder and Knowledge Director of Liberty Produce
Dylan is a physicist and bio-engineer; he has held positions in business and technology commercialisation environments at Cambridge and Imperial College London. He has worked closely with the NHS, MoD, Defra, DIT and AgriTech centres to develop novel technologies and systems. He is driven by a commitment to a sustainable human future and building the technological innovations that will deliver it.
Dr. Susan McCallum is a Blueberry Researcher at the James Hutton Institute. She is currently working on a project that could be set to help more British farmers grow blueberries and tap into the burgeoning demand. The project aims to link phenotype to genotype to create a genetic framework for future crop improvement using marker assisted breeding which should greatly increase the speed and precision of blueberry breeding. Before taking up her current position, Susan had already been at the institute for several years working first as a research assistant, then completing her PhD in Plant Genetics with the project: ‘Marker assisted breeding for sensory characteristics in red raspberry (Rubus idaeus)’.