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    deleted-memberJoined 22/12/2021

    Green Build Systems Limited (GBS) is a unique blending of Research and Development facilities, creating innovative and practical vertical farm solutions, inclusive of GBS modular vertical farms, controlled environment agricultural product solutions and the development of innovative modular building eco panels.

    With our partners and JV colleagues support, we can combine renewable energy (solar, wind, and thermal), and battery storage back-up systems, with efficient vertical and urban farming methods.

    By fusing the use of solar energy farms, we can help customers provide food, medicinal produce, and specialist produce, along with electricity and thermal energy.

    Through the design and construction of agritech systems, we assist with the provision of global food security and food accessibility issues, as well as the promotion of plant-based health support initiatives.

    We actively engage in research and the development of specialist vertical farms for specific requirements in conjunction with partners in plant science, technology, and supply-chains.

    We also engage with strategic partners in the design and build of sustainable modular buildings to support our interests in Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) and in farming solutions – this may be achieved via timber-framed methods (using responsibly harvested sustainable forestry timbers), or by utilising our own GBS Eco SIPs (Structural Insulated Panels).

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    Tags and filters
    Farm systems
    Equipment/consumables, Designer
    LS1 5AA
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