Registration (Institution)
By joining UKUAT via you give UKUAT Ltd* permission to store the following information about you and your organisation:
- Your name
- Your display name
- Your physical or postal address
- Your nearest city
- Your post code
- Your email address
- Your logo
- Your institution name
- Your website URL
- Your display name
- Your self-written biography
- Your self-described interests
- Your self-described expertise
- The nature of your business
- Your membership type
- The date at which you joined UKUAT
You agree that UKUAT will not share this information without your expressed permission, with the following exceptions:
1) Information visible to other UKUAT members only:
- Your display name
- Your email address
2) Information visible to other UKUAT members only, and only if you provide it:
- Your self-described interests
- Your self-described expertise
- The nature of your business
- Your post code
- Your nearest city
3) For Institutional Members, the following information will be visible to anyone who visits the website:
- Your logo
- Your institution name
- Your website URL
- Your display name
4) For Institutional Members, the following information will be visible to anyone who visits the website if you specify that you wish to share it:
- Your email address
- Your postal/physical address
Members may change their stored details at any point via the profile settings page on or by email request to
*UKUAT Ltd. is a company limited by guarantee in England and Wales with Company Number: 12395055.