Use this form to get in touch with UKUAT to learn more about our work and how you can get involved.

Contact UKUAT



    By joining UKUAT via you give UKUAT Ltd* permission to store the following information about you and your organisation:

    • Your name
    • Your display name
    • Your physical or postal address
    • Your nearest city
    • Your post code
    • Your email address
    • Your logo
    • Your institution name
    • Your website URL
    • Your display name
    • Your self-written biography
    • Your self-described interests
    • Your self-described expertise
    • The nature of your business
    • Your membership type
    • The date at which you joined UKUAT

    You agree that UKUAT will not share this information without your expressed permission, with the following exceptions:

    1)    Information visible to other UKUAT members only:

    • Your display name
    • Your email address

    2)    Information visible to other UKUAT members only, and only if you provide it:

    • Your self-described interests
    • Your self-described expertise
    • The nature of your business
    • Your post code
    • Your nearest city

    3)    For Institutional Members, the following information will be visible to anyone who visits the website:

    • Your logo
    • Your institution name
    • Your website URL
    • Your display name

    4)    For Institutional Members, the following information will be visible to anyone who visits the website if you specify that you wish to share it:

    • Your email address
    • Your postal/physical address

    Members may change their stored details at any point via the profile settings page on or by email request to

    *UKUAT Ltd. is a company limited by guarantee in England and Wales with Company Number: 12395055.